Three Core Assets of an Organization

In order to survive in the ever-changing, ever-competitive Economic environment, organizations (Companies, NGOs, Parastatals, etc.) need to effectively manage and protect the three core assets of its existence and functioning...

The three Core Assets of an Organization include

1. Personel

Source: Unsplash

The personnel of an organization represents how well that organization can fulfill its mission.

Personnel who are abreast with and comfortable with the objectives and operations of an organization will input tremendous efforts towards success and will assure excellent production. That is of course if they are well managed.

On the other hand, Personnel who have not fully embraced the spirit and nature of the organization's operations will deliver a less-than-desired result.

2. Finance

Source: Unsplash

It becomes almost impossible for an organization to operate without finances nowadays. Finances guarantee the acquisition of resources and protection from bankruptcy.

3. Reputation

Source: Unsplash

The last core asset of an organization is its Reputation without a good reputation, it becomes difficult, if not impossible to keep your current market, or to acquire new markets.


Now that we've reminded ourselves about these core assets... We must take a scorecard of where we stand with respect to these assets, evaluate our positions and work actively on building and improving these assets.

Go ye therefore and GROW