I Can't Wait

Can’t wait to hold you close
Can’t wait to kiss you like it’s our first.
Lonely days pass by without your gorgeous smile
Hours run by without a sound of your tweeting voice
I feel all draughty without my humming bird
Like a big part of my life is missing
All I think of is your beautiful smile
To look into your beautiful eyes and smile
I feel like I’m going to die each time I think of you
I feel like I can’t go on any longer

I can’t wait to look into your eyes again
And feel how much love burns inside of you.
I can’t wait to you how much I love you.
To touch you, whisper in your ear and make you giggle
I can’t wait to hold your hands and fingers
To put my jaws in your palms and close my eyes
To let you “take me out” and rule my world.

I can’t wait for us to be together again
So I can open up my heart and let if flow
I can’t wait to feel you in my arms.
I can’t wait to leave this pain of solitude
Every smile I make just disguises the pain within
I drop lonely tears while starring at the skies at night
Wishing you were right beside me.
It keeps killing me because you’re not here
That’s why I can’t wait to see you again